Club Cleo Health, Beauty, Wellbeing

Club Cleo Health, Beauty, Wellbeing
Official Blog for Club Cleo: We've Been Making Women Look Great & Feel Fantastic For More Than 2 Decades

Thursday 2 August 2012

World Breastfeeding Week - Why Breast is Best

World Breastfeeding Week - Why Breast is Best

It’s World Breastfeeding Week and Club Cleo have some tips as to why breastfeeding is good for both mother and baby.

For Baby:

  • Provides baby with anti-bodies and nutrients which helps protect them from infections whilst building their immune system during the first months of life.
  • Breast milk is easier for babies to digest
  • Breast milk changes as the baby does and provides the correct amount of sugar and fat to allow healthy growth.
  • Breast milk is always the correct temperature for the baby.
  • Research shows that formula-fed babies are at greater risk of gastro-enteritis, asthma, obesity and type 2 diabetes.

For Mother:

  • It’s FREE so can save a lot of pennies!
  • There is no sterilisation/ preparation time needed for breast-feeding mothers. A baby’s hunger can be satisfied immediately.
  • Breastfeeding promotes emotional wellbeing in mothers. Physical contact is important for the bonding process and the hormone oxytocin can calm.
  • Breastfeeding is linked to lower risks of health problems including ovarian cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes and postnatal depression.
  • A recent study of 740,000 women has provided compelling evidence that breastfeeding can help reverse weight gain and help women to keep the weight off for good.

Postnatal Breast Solutions:

Both during and after pregnancy, the breasts go through a lot of changes in shape and size due to hormone fluctuations and milk production. Breast growth tends to begin approximately 8 weeks into the pregnancy and women often experience an increase by one or even 2 cup sizes.

After pregnancy or when breastfeeding is complete, the bust will usually decrease again but this can leave breasts saggy with less volume.

Club Cleo stocks an comprehensive array of creams, serums and sprays that help to tone, firm and revitalise the breasts to make them more youthful again.

As with all Cleo products, all ingredients are 100% natural and none are tested on animals. Click here to find out more.