Expert Beauty Report Cleo Market Research
After hitting the streets in London and Leeds to ask women what their ideal body areas to tone up are, the results were interestingly split. Women in the north wanted to tone up their tummies, whereas women in the south were more conscious of their thighs.The survey carried out by health and beauty online retailer Club Cleo ( involved nearly 150 people between the ages of 25 and 70 years old in total. As well as the split in body concerns, the face was also a dividing issue. Less visible frown lines, crows feet and puffiness on the face, alongside a brighter complexion, were common concerns in the north whereas the face fared better in the south.
Janine Kay, Managing Director of Club Cleo, said:
'All women have their insecurities but being comfortable in your own skin is absolutely vital to your wellbeing and happiness. We spoke to women of all different shapes, sizes and ages, to ask how they felt and which areas (if any) they’d like a helping hand with.'